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Wardrobe Packing Struggles: Steps to Pack Your Clothes

Posted by Domenic YoungOn Thu 26 Nov 2020

It looks like you’ve taken an eternity to finally arrive at this point. The deal has been signed, documentation is done and inspection of your new home is completed. Just a few more days before you move into your dream abode. Now, it’s time to pack all your belongings and prepare for the upcoming move. You already know that fragile items should be packed in plenty of bubble wraps, newspapers or soft linens for maximum protection; neither is the importance of labelling each box unknown to you. As for the heavy furniture pieces, you’ve hired a reputable furniture removalist in Sydney for the job. But what about the clothes? Do you know how you’ll go about it?

Wardrobe Packing

Packing your wardrobe isn’t about tossing all your clothes in a bag and getting over it. Some people even leave their clothes in the closets or dresser drawers and it’s such a terrible idea. But you’re off the hook because in this blog, we’ll tell you the easiest ways to pack your clothes.

How to Pack Your Wardrobe in Simple Steps

1. Declutter: Clothes become easier to pack when you know what you’re taking. And that’s the reason why you should declutter your wardrobe first! You may complain of not having enough clothes but once you open the wardrobe, you get the reality check. Go through your wardrobes and categorize your clothes into three groups – donation, selling and storage.

Sorting through your clothes can be a tussle, especially when you find your favourite clothes don’t fit you anymore but you need to part ways. Don’t know which clothes to take and the ones to let go? Follow this quick formula – ‘If I haven’t worn this for the last one year, it’s likely I won’t need it and must go to the charity’. You can also ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this apparel look out of fashion?
  • Do I love the way I look after wearing this?
  • Am I bored wearing this item for too many times?
  • Does this fit me comfortably?

The answers to these questions will help you to decide which clothes to donate or sell. You’ll be happy in four ways– you’re giving clothes to those who need them, making money by selling the unnecessary outfits, you’ll have more storage space in your new home and now, you’ve got lesser items to move!

2. Prepare your clothes for packing: The second step to packing your wardrobe is preparing your clothes. This begins with washing – wash the clothes which you’ve kept in neatly folded inside your closet without washing. After they dry, arrange them in the order of your need. Pack clothes that you’ll hardly wear now or in another two months; for example: the off-season clothes, if it’s winter now, pack your shorts, vests, tank tops, etc. first and vice-versa. Also, if you don’t have any invitations to attend, you probably won’t need the party attires now so let them be with the off-season clothes.

Segregating your clothes into type, material and purpose can also help you to pack your clothes in a more organized manner. If you have lots of woollen garments, coats and sweaters, having the same materials together will allow you to protect the fabrics from moths when you pack them in plastic. Moreover, it’s easy for storage as well when you keep clothes of the same material in one place.

Likewise, if you have many different types of clothes, packing by type is a good idea to keep them separated rather than packing together and stressing later on.

3. Packing hanging clothes: Hanging clothes more commonly dominate household closets. You can’t pack the shirts, blazers, pants and formal outfits in any way you want as these tend to wrinkle easily. Neither do you want to spend most of your leisure time in ironing them. As per the recommendation of professional furniture removalists Sydney, pack your hanging clothes in the following efficient ways:

  • Wardrobe boxes: The rectangular wardrobe boxes have hanging rods that are perfect for transporting hanging clothes. The rods are strong enough to contain many clothes and are also effective in preventing creases.
  • Garment bags: You want to keep off dust and dirt from your beloved clothes, don’t you? Moving your outfits in garment bags can be worth the effort. Besides, garment bags don’t occupy much space inside the moving vehicle and can be laid on top of other boxes. That’s why garment bags are one of the top recommended moving aides by professional movers.
  • Portable hanging racks: Wondering how to move your clothes safely from the hangers of your closet? A hanging rack works best for the purpose. Hanging racks come with large size hangers and it’s almost like hanging your clothes in your wardrobe. Except, you need to cover the rack with large trash bags or bed sheets to keep your clothes safe.

 4. Packing non-hanging clothes: Now that you’ve got all your hanging clothes safely into wardrobe boxes and hanging racks, it’s time to pay attention to the folded clothes inside the drawers or closets. If the clothes are inside drawers, you can leave them as it is and tightly tape the drawers, if your removalist allows for moving drawers filled with items can be really difficult.

If you need to empty the drawers, pack the clothes in medium-sized boxes. First, use packing paper to cover the base of the box and then place the folded clothes, one by one. Fill the empty space with extra towels or sheets to keep the clothes intact in their place during the transfer.

5. Pack clothes in vacuum or garbage bags: Vacuum and garbage bags work wonder for your clothes while moving. Keeping your garments spotlessly clean isn’t easy unless you’re packing them inside vacuum bags. Just make a hole at the bottom of these bags and pull the hangers with the clothes through the hole. Tie 7-10 hangers together at the top with an elastic band and then you’re done!

If you’re clueless about how to accommodate your huge collection of clothes without any damage, using vacuum and garbage bags is your best bet. Like the garment bags, vacuum bags also take up less space inside moving trucks. You can pack your off-season or expensive clothes, like your wedding attire or business suits, inside the vacuum bags and keep them from getting creased or stained.

Final words: Packing your wardrobe may look like a hassle when you have an unlimited number of clothes and don’t know how to move them. But there’s no need to curse yourself for curating such a stylish collection of apparels that can give any fashionista a tough competition! Just remember the above-mentioned tips and see how you pack your wardrobe skilfully. Should you have no time to pack your clothes, you can always hire an experienced furniture removalist in Sydney like Sydney Domain Furniture Removals. From the antique to the breakables, the professionals have the expertise to pack and move your belongings in a safe and efficient manner. To schedule your move, call us today!

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