Archive for the ‘Specialist Item Relocation’ Category.
Sydney Removalists – Happy Customer Review

It has been a pleasure being able to deliver Laurens’ huge mirror up seven levels by the fire stairs. We are thankful for this testimonial from Lauren who is very satisfied. She contacted us a couple days ago about her huge mirror she wanted putting in her apartment either by bringing up the balcony as […]
Freshwater Removalist – Happy Customer – Manly Furniture Removals
Customer in Freshwater Happy with Removalist Service Today I got a call from Lisa in Freshwater, Sydney asking for a balcony lift of her 2.5 metre long part of her brand new lounge ensemble to the 6th level with lifting straps. I went there and discovered a balcony lift wasn’t possible and I asked about […]
How To Do a Balcony Lift Correctly by Sydney Domain Furniture Removals

How To Do A Balcony Lift Correctly by Sydney Domain Furniture Removals Hi again this another video tutorial from Sydney Domain Furniture Removals. As many people moving in Sydney have experienced sometimes furniture just wont fit in their new home and the only way to get their furniture in the apartment or house is with […]
Happy Customer Testimonial – Furniture Removals Paddington

Furniture Removals Paddington Another happy customer today from us at Sydney Domain Furniture Removals. We have moved Daniella’s Pilates Studio from Paddington to Paddington today. A huge move with heaps of fragile goods all completed safely! If you have any furniture removals in Paddington you need doing feel free and call Domenic today on 0414 […]
Removal of Office Furniture Made Easier

Office Furniture Removal Shifting office to a new location is a challenging task as it not only requires the employees to adapt to the new environment, but also set up the entire organization all over again. From electronics to furniture, you need to transport it all in the new location and arrange them nicely. Removing […]
The Importance Of How To Balcony Lift Furniture Properly

The Importance Of How To Balcony Lift Furniture Properly Furniture removals have so many variables which can make a seemingly straight forward furniture removal into a marathon. Sometimes if your removalists aren’t above the norm with experience levels you can be up the creek without a paddle. We all know what it’s like when we […]